“I’m waiting for my next launch to update my website.” I hear it all the time. But waiting for your next launch to redo your website is actually costing you sales. In this episode, I dive into why you shouldn’t wait to update your website and how a better website can actually help you when it comes to your next launch.
I know redesigning your website sounds like a huge, scary endeavor that’s going to take up all of your time so it’s easier to put it off. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. I take you through my redesign process that ensures my clients can stay focused on running their businesses while still getting a gorgeous and highly strategic website.
In today’s episode we covered:
Why redesigning your website to coincide with a launch is a bad idea
How putting off redesigning your website is costing you clients and time
How a new website prior to your launch can actually help you have a more seamless launch
How a new website can help you shift your mindset around your business